
Summer 2012... How GREEN have you been?

How GREEN are you during the Summer of 2012?

During the month of March 2012 when the summer heat started to kick-in an aggregate total of 77% of electricity was produced using conventional power plants. These is composed of Coal (40.1%), Natural Gas (35.3%) and Diesel/Oil (1.6%) Power plants that litter across Luzon and Visayas. The Green Electricity is only 23% (Geothermal 16%, Hydro 6.8%, Wind 0.13%, and BioDiesel 0.09%). Refer to below pie for illustration. (Source: WESM monthly report)

April 2012, see pie below:

And May 2012

If Pies can speak a thousand words, what would it tell you? It would tell you that the electricity that you used during the summer months came from fossil based power plants. 

Is it bad then? Not bad per se... but neither it is good. You could have at least mitigate the use of "dirty" electricity by shying away from malls... you should have gone to the provinces if you have one, stay there for the summer and spend with your cousins... under the mango tree, or to the rivers and beaches instead of going to the malls, because malls are power hungry buildings. Just to think of it... Earth Day Celebration was celebrated in the malls? Are you kidding me? Earth Day in malls? We're out of our minds! It should have been in the Parks... celebrating life, earth, wild life, trees, future, children with arts exhibits, poem reading and rock-and-roll!... But malls? Twisted logic!

Can we increase the GREEN electricity then? Yes... by installing more wind and solar farms... and as an individual install a small scale solar generator in our roof tops.

Ask yourselves, have you been GREEN the last summer? I know what you did last summer... you hanged up in the malls! 

Commercial muna, visit our website: www.eastgreenfields.com

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