

It is the color most hated by this administration, but according to Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi, “the yellow label” will be a major redeeming factor that could help Filipino consumers save on punishing energy bills.

He was referring to the yellow-based “energy efficient labeling” that the Department of Energy (DOE) sets on appliances so it can guide consumers which one would have less energy use when operated. In turn, that will yield cost savings to consumers.

“The yellow energy labels on common household appliances state the energy efficiency ratings of the latter and should be used by consumers as a guide in purchasing said items,” the energy chief said.

With government-induced tough times because of higher excise taxes on products and services, Cusi is ardently appealing to Filipino consumers on self-imposed discipline on energy usage so they would be able to cut their costs.

The energy chief prescribes purchase of “energy smart” appliances; because of their higher efficiency rating. Nevertheless, such may entail higher upfront costs also that penny-pinching Filipino consumers cannot just easily afford.

And with high energy costs literally nailing Filipinos on the cross at the implementation of the Tax Reform Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) Act of the Duterte Administration, Cusi asserted that such must also usher in a phase when efficient use of energy becomes “a way of life” for Filipinos.

Cusi sets emphasis on “the concept of smart energy utilization so consumers can save on energy costs based on strategies already laid down by the government.”

He cited that one strategy could be the “proper use of energy efficient appliances” or those rated on Minimum Energy Performance Standard.

Cusi also apprised consumers “to turn off and unplug unused appliances to avoid electricity wastages,” adding that regular cleaning of light bulbs, refrigerator, television, electric fan and air-conditioners must also be resorted to in saving power usage.

With not just energy prices going up under the TRAIN measure but also that of vehicles, Cusi expounded that consumers must also be “more rational in their choice of vehicles to buy, as well as in their fuel purchases.”

He stressed that “planning trips and properly maintaining vehicles will also save consumers money while prolonging the service life of their rides.”

The department similarly cited data that burning less fuel on travels could spare the earth of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, to the tune of 2.7 kilograms of per liter-diesel saved; and 2.3 kilograms on per liter savings of gasoline.


Velasco, M. M. (January 6, 2018). ‘Yellow label’ may help consumers cut energy bills. Manila Bulletin.

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